Posts Tagged ‘Mouse Guard


Junk on the Internet…

Hey Check it out it is my 101st post in this blog and it is totally lame!!!

Time to clean the tabs out and post some of the stuff I have been saving to blog about.

I am a big fan of David Peterson’s MouseGuard. I would love for them to release these custom figures so I could buy them all up and set them up on my desk to keep me company.


Over on COMICARTFANS I ran across this 3D rendition of Silver Surfer #72 From there I went over to the artist website, I am really thinking of doing one of these myself.
Here are a couple others that I like:


The Beast from The XMEN (and the Avengers, Champions, Defenders, New Defenders, X-Factor and back to the XMEN again…) has always been my favorite mutant in the Marvel Universe. This card shows his his bouncy style in all of his glory. Terrax, I dont know much about other then he is tied back to Galactus. I just like the character design on the guy!

Logan’s Run has been rumored to be in development for a reboot movie for a long time now, long enough for no one to believe it anymore. What Logan fans can believe in and look forward to is the New LOGAN’S RUN comic coming from bluewater! CBR got some previews of the artwork.

Could write more, should write more… going to stop instead…

here is a video to end the post:


Thursday Comics

I will be posting Comic reviews and what not on Thursdays. That way I have time to get them and digest them instead of rushing to post…

Having said that I have nothing from yesterday. Red has been sick since Tuesday which means we have not gone anywhere. So instead, a trade that I have read as of late:

Mouse Guard – When this comic first came out I read the first couple issues and just wasnt really that impressed with it. Then when the big EBAY price rocket took place, I figured what the heck… Might as well make some money, and I did a lot of it. Time passed the first series Fall 1152 wrapped up and came out in a collection. Then last October sitting at my table at Fallcon I ran into a friend from the comic shop days and we got to talking about what we had read of late. When he found out I had not read this he just went off on what I was missing. We have always had very similar taste in comics so on his recomendation I choose to give it another go. I loved it. I have to say that this is probably now in my top five reads of all time, Right up there with the Bone Saga. David Petersen does an amazing job of creating a story of betrayal and adventure and tells it with some amazing art work ( I always thought that the art was amazing…).

Mouse Guard

Mouse Guard members Saxon, Kenzie and Lieam are sent out by Gwendolyn, the leader of the Mouse Guard to find a missing Grain merchent. What they find instead is a conspiracy that threatens the mice world. They have to act quickly to try to prevent the events from unfolding before the winter sets in.

There is a follow up story, Winter 1152, taking place in individual issues right now. There have been so major delays in it publishing due to money problems with the publisher but things looking like they are back on track with some copies of #5 being made available in advance of the instore date this weekend at the NYCC.

May 2024

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